Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Random no news

Long time no talking...

How is everyone???

Im still in Popayan, much to the in credulousness and consternation of everyone who lives in cali, but in my defence its cool!

OK So yeh i dont have a huge amount of new things to say. I cannot mention what i was doing for money, coz DAS might come after me and deport me and i really dont need that do i??

Old maties Matz and Elaine are still here, but leave this weekend. It will be sad to finally say goodbye, i dont think i will catch them again before i head back to the land down under... Maybe next year if i return to this end of the world??

In other news, Matz and i have just about finished recording some music in a studio here in Popayan. 8 songs in 4 hours is a pretty good achievement Matz..... I only did two.. (some might call that lazy but yeh i am).. ill bang them up on myspace when im finished mixing them.

In other news, we had halloween here last weekend. A vastly bigger affair than in aust... Lots of people dressing up, lots of free booze and dubious Mos... (speaking of... its now MOvember, so all of you start growing them MOs).

What else. I actually only have about another month and a half here before i head north, maybe ill start writing in this again when im travelling...