Sunday, September 13, 2009

Lo Que Tu Quieres

Hola Muchachos,

How is everyone.. hopefully living exciting lives, and not too busy studying or working... its overrated..

So what am i up to you may ask??

Well right now im killing time on the computer looking up australian music that i so desperately miss. Since i no longer have a certain ipod to listen to, im having to make do with youtube, and learning the songs on guitar... Not a suitable substitute...

So what else. As some of you may know, i have started working here in Popayan. I now teach english at Vancouver college, with a class of 8 students. good fun, i love that i am qualified to teach purely because i speak english... what a world.. But in all seriousness its been fun, and i havnt fucked up too much, and all my students are really nice, and enjoy learning australian colloquialisms. i think ill be getting another class this week as well which is good.

Also my ever reappearing friends, Matz and Elaine have arrived here in Popayan, and i have co-orced them into staying for a month, and teaching english as well. So we have been having a grand old time here, trying to learn salsa and drinking Caucano.

Que mas???

Ive been pretty busy in the last week or so, and trying to adapt to working again, i even had to get up at 7am for a few days there. Luckily my boss has only given me night classes now, so thats lucky.

But a quick review of things i have done.
-Food festival in popayan. inc classic cars in the central plaza, and amazing italian food, courtesy of the loverly owners of L'italiano.
-Kareoke in Xamba cafe (an unexplainably popular place with younguns) with some cute Patojas(girls from popayan).
-Learning salsa with Matz and Elaine and realising that the best gringo dancer is still the worst dancer in colombia.
-Realising last night, that the above statement is not entirely true, sorry juan jose.....
-Enjoying beer goggles, and avoiding young stalkers.
-And the best- Seeing a classic 80s heavy metal band in a live concert last friday. Complete with iron maiden covers, marshall stacks, big mullets, leather jackets, and a rousing 'i was made for loving you' encore.
-Oh and eating the worlds supply of Almajabanas, The best snack in the world.

Ok, i will leave you now.. and get back to trying to find the drones and an horse songs on the net.

Hasta Luego

Friday, September 4, 2009

Feelin´ Retrospective

Hola friends and family (and potential fans from all over the world),

Today is exactly 5 months since i left Brisbane, and seems a suitable day that i finalise the plans for the rest of my trip. Which leads to the fact that it is also exactly 5 months to the day that i will return to Brisbane... Oh the symmetry is amazing.

More news for the day. I got a job! I start work on monday at the Vancouver English College here in Popayan.. So i will be here for another 3 months working dilligently so i can afford to travel a bit more, and of course to fund some more partying here in popayan.

So its been a crazy 5 months, and an even crazier past month or so, but also so amazing. And im mega glad i could do this, and stay away an extra 4 months and not estrange any family members in the process. So i guess thanks to everyone for being so awesome, lending me money when i was desperately poor in Peru, and letting me cruise around here for so long.

Plans for me for the next 5 months-
Im obviously staying in popayan for another 3 months, which will bring me to early December. From there im planning on flying to Mexico, seeing a bit of the country, visiting people etc. Then i will head south and meet the loverly calley (of brisbane fame) in or near costa rica for Christmas time. From there we will travel (or party) northwards for 6 weeks until the end of January and hopefully make it back to Aus for early Feb.

So until then or the next blog, See ya in Feb!!

Yo estraño ustedes todo, pero quiero viajar mas, quando puedo!


Tuesday, September 1, 2009

This is the Journey to date, 5 months after leaving brisbane.
Some long bus trips there.



Hey Guys,

Its been a while, but ive been a bit busy here in colombia so i apologise.

I arrived safely from Quito, and had already met a bunch of freindly colombians before i even arrived in Popayan. People here are super freindly, so much more so than everywhere else i have been.

So i spent a week or so in Popayan which was great. Staying with my Aunt Fanny, in the giant house with a restaurant attached. Its been great, being able to eat awesome food again, and having a house to live in rather than dorms. Nice change. Popayan is a nice little city, but not a huge amount to do if you dont know some people. So to that end, last week, i went to some of the english colleges with expats i met to help teach some english. That was really cool, you just go in, have a chat to the students, then everyone invites you out for beers and to play soccer and everything. It doesnt hurt that all the female students are incredibly attractive either. Ive had a few offers to teach me salsa, but so far its a steep learning curve. I keep forgetting what ive learnt (may or may not be the result of innebriation at the time of learning...)

Ok so ive also been to cali for both weekends ive been in Colombia. The first i stayed with an old family freind by the name of Douglas Lang. Who has the best house and garden in colombia, and were so good to have me there for a few days. And of course, Isabella (my cousin) took me out a few times to celebrate, caleño style. Then i returned this weekend to hang out again with Isa and her freinds. I got taken out to see a band called Superlitio, who were actually really good, and have since found out are quite famous. They play a kind of funky, latino, rock thing. Good stuff...

Did some more stuff.....

Then last night i finally went out to the proper salsa district here in Cali, (the capital of salsa in south america). It was crazy, we met some locals who invited us in a taxi with them, took us to a club, and partied with us. And we only knew them for about 20 min before that. Anyway we ended up at a club called VIP, and i finally picked up a few moves. hahaha... yeh its still not pretty.

Ok so im off now, some freinds arrive in Popayan in a few days, so im excited to see them.


Im most likely staying in South and central America for another 5 months!!!! At the moment, im planning to arrive home lat January, early february. Which is awesome!!!

ok cya all in the not too distant future!