Sunday, September 13, 2009

Lo Que Tu Quieres

Hola Muchachos,

How is everyone.. hopefully living exciting lives, and not too busy studying or working... its overrated..

So what am i up to you may ask??

Well right now im killing time on the computer looking up australian music that i so desperately miss. Since i no longer have a certain ipod to listen to, im having to make do with youtube, and learning the songs on guitar... Not a suitable substitute...

So what else. As some of you may know, i have started working here in Popayan. I now teach english at Vancouver college, with a class of 8 students. good fun, i love that i am qualified to teach purely because i speak english... what a world.. But in all seriousness its been fun, and i havnt fucked up too much, and all my students are really nice, and enjoy learning australian colloquialisms. i think ill be getting another class this week as well which is good.

Also my ever reappearing friends, Matz and Elaine have arrived here in Popayan, and i have co-orced them into staying for a month, and teaching english as well. So we have been having a grand old time here, trying to learn salsa and drinking Caucano.

Que mas???

Ive been pretty busy in the last week or so, and trying to adapt to working again, i even had to get up at 7am for a few days there. Luckily my boss has only given me night classes now, so thats lucky.

But a quick review of things i have done.
-Food festival in popayan. inc classic cars in the central plaza, and amazing italian food, courtesy of the loverly owners of L'italiano.
-Kareoke in Xamba cafe (an unexplainably popular place with younguns) with some cute Patojas(girls from popayan).
-Learning salsa with Matz and Elaine and realising that the best gringo dancer is still the worst dancer in colombia.
-Realising last night, that the above statement is not entirely true, sorry juan jose.....
-Enjoying beer goggles, and avoiding young stalkers.
-And the best- Seeing a classic 80s heavy metal band in a live concert last friday. Complete with iron maiden covers, marshall stacks, big mullets, leather jackets, and a rousing 'i was made for loving you' encore.
-Oh and eating the worlds supply of Almajabanas, The best snack in the world.

Ok, i will leave you now.. and get back to trying to find the drones and an horse songs on the net.

Hasta Luego

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